Filiz Semolina (Filiz İrmik) 500 G
Collection: Baking, Best Sellers
Vendor: Filiz
Filiz İrmik 500 G
Filiz Semolina is produced from carefully selected hard durum wheat, without human touch and with the latest technology. In the Bolu Mill, medium-sized halvah semolina produced from durum wheat in accordance with its standard is passed through a dryer operating with microwave technology to increase the storage time and the humidity is reduced below 13%.
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Usage Recommendations
İMİK HALVA RECIPE Required Ingredients: 2 glasses of Filiz Semolina - 1.5 glasses of granulated sugar - 1.5 glasses of milk - 2 glasses of water - 125 g of butter - 1 tablespoon of pine nuts Preparation: Melt the butter in the pan, add the semolina. Fry until the semolina changes color. Add the boiling water and milk to the semolina. Close the lid of the pot and wait for it to drain. After taking the water, add sugar and let it steep for 10 minutes. Add the roasted peanuts and serve hot
Net Amount (g / ml)
Durum wheat semolina
Allergen warning
Durum wheat semolina. May contain traces of soy and eggs.
Storage Conditions
Store in a cool and dry place.