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Premium Honey and Bee Products Collection

Turcamart offers Eta, the first and most established Premium raw honey and bee products producer, has been offering unpasteurized SAF products, which have not undergone any processing from the beehive to the jar, to the consumers since 1985.

It is possible to see the first benefits of consuming honey against winter diseases. These healing honeys, which strengthen the immune system regardless of age and gender, also offer a privileged diet for diseases such as flu, cold and sinusitis to pass much earlier.

People who want to start the day energetically and dynamically can spend the whole day full of energy exactly as they demand, if they consume a spoonful of karakovan honey on an empty stomach. These honey products, which meet the protein and vitamin needs of people who are interested in sports professionally and amateurly, in the most natural way, also have appetizing properties. Ladies and men who care about their skin beauty can also periodically consume Karakovan honey. Honey, which directly gives vitality and flexibility to the skin, also plays an active role in the natural solution of wrinkles that develop due to aging.

In recent years, various studies and examinations have scientifically proven the effects of honey on eye health among the benefits. Customers who meticulously focus on hair care health can also consume these honey products, which are natural building blocks against hair loss, to a certain extent. It has been revealed that after a few months of periodic consumption of this honey, the hair grows much more lush and vibrant. Karakovan honey, which is also described as an effective energy capsule, also has a feature that directly improves sexual power and performance. However, there is also a side feature that naturally increases the desire in the ailments that experience frigidity and reluctance.

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